A couple months ago, I set out to make a 4'x8' American flag out of free wood I picked up on Craigslist and planned to mount on the fence next to the playhouse; which the kids were refurbishing. Howard originally built the playhouse in 1972, when one day after attending the Home and Flower show and seeing a tree house, we dreamed that would be a great thing to have for the kids, but on the ground, so they wouldn't get hurt in a fall. I took that as permission, and the next day drew up a design and went to Cashway Lumber in search of supplies. Howard spied the wood pile as he got home from work and asked what it was for? I said, "Remember how we talked about what a great idea it would be to have a tree house minus the height for the kids? Well here it is. These are the plans. Be careful. I'll see you when I get off work." And off I went to my restaurant job. Many hours later, I returned, the kids were in bed and Howard was still in the backyard working under lights putting together the frame of the heavy duty playhouse, that remains today despite being moved several times. [that is another day's story] Here is the look of it from my cellphone on a non-snowy day.

The long of it is that I didn't make the US flag because I have a short attention span, and to make 50 identical stars already had me yawning and thinking, "we could do without Alaska, and who ever even goes to Arkansas unless it's a storm chaser and there is a tornado coming." The more states I was eliminating in my mind, pretty soon all I had was the original 10 colonies. [Just seeing if you were paying attention] I knew I still wanted to make a flag, just not of that proportion. Pretty soon sister, Cheryl, was talking about her farm in West By God, and how she wanted to make a "barn quilt" to hang on her out buildings. The plan was launched. I would make small wooden nationality flags for each of the grandchildren for Christmas, and their parents-as time permitted. Well, as far as I got...here they are!
Great Britain
Pennant of State of Ohio
As far as I know, we don't have Mexican ancestry, but sometimes, if your best friend is Dora, the Explorer, you adopt as needed (and as requested).
When I talk about short attention span, it is not entirely accurate. The hours I spent working on these flags, uninterrupted (except to change the radio station if the Christmas music got a little stale) shows that I could never be diagnosed with ADHD. These flags were such a pleasure to create. Some are made out of old plaster lath board, shipping crates, Habitat castoffs, street finds and beadboard. Most of the paints were donated by friends. I said prayers for each of the kids as I made their flag. Hopefully, they will treasure them in the years to come, as something made with love by their grandmother; grateful that their ancestors, adventured to a new world in search of a better future for their children.
Someday I will make the 4'x8' American flag and hang it on the fence next to the playhouse where it belongs. I still may omit Alaska though.
Grateful that my family landed here,
La Verne
Family Heritage Flag Project (copyrighted)
Flags available by request